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Why is the number 42 important?

The number 42 is especially significant to fans of science fiction novelist Douglas Adams’ “ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, ” because that number is the answer given by a supercomputer to “the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.” Booker also wanted to know the answer to 42. That is, are there three cubes whose sum is 42?

What is up42 & how does it work?

“UP42 offers us a whole new way to deliver new space solutions to our clients. By providing us with easy access to high-quality geospatial data, we can run our code, receive results, and scale up our processes. With API-based access and price transparency, UP42 is democratizing access to geospatial data and the potential applications are endless.”

Could 42 be the answer to life?

42 is the number of galactic years that the Sun-Earth system will survive before it’s destroyed. And 42 is the expansion rate of the entire Universe, in miles-per-second-per-megaparsec. It really could be the answer to the ultimate question about life, the Universe, and everything.

What does 42 mean in hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

42 is the "AAnswer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books. It was computed by Deep Thought, the second greatest computer ever.

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